Mimina Yesu

I totally recommend you listen to this song as you read this post.

Jambo auxiliaries!

So I had an epiphany on what to call my followers and realized auxiliaries is just perfect, because my name is Auxilia and you guys follow this. I know right! Totally awesome!!

So I’m writing this post while listening to Mimina and clearly you can tell the difference. That song just gets me in a dancing mood and its just perfect and its what kicked in my 2015.

And you’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been wandering (cliche, I know) so I’m prepared with my list of disclaimers of the many things that were going on in my life.

  1. Went for a girls’ camp in Rongai, so I was away from civilization.
  2. Celebrated my 22nd birthday, now you all know how old I am so judge all you will :p
  3. Went for teens’ camp in Naivasha and it was sooo awesome and totally worth it.
  4. Went for college camp in Malindi over new years. Loved the people and the music because it’s where I heard this amazing song Mimina.
  5. Went for bridge camp in Embu and it was quite insightful.
  6. Took a week off my life to get some sleep and visit a couple of awesome people that I hadn’t seen in forever and also to catch up with my auxiliaries (yes, you guys) as I am doing now.

So, as you can see, I have 6 perfectly good reasons for being MIA and hopefully I am going to learn to balance my time better in the coming months. I’ve definitely missed sharing myself with you because when I don’t there’s just too much me inside my head.

Pictures and videos coming soon as well as a series of posts just for you.

Happy new year my lovelies, until next time :-).



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